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A hypothetical question aroused in social networks: for how much was the 2+2 website sold for? Barry Carter, a very active poker writer on social networks, launched a pool with options from $350k to $2M+, while Alex Scott (ex-MPN Poker Manager) joked he «would just sell the whole thing as an NFT for one billion dollars.» Here are some of the excerpts: While I agree with Nick Poker Forums about how terms like «poker» are so competitive it’s almost not worth trying to rank well for them, the PokerJunkie forums are front-page for the keyword «poker». Currently at no. 10. Thanks Anfrei,I wrote an article about poker bots recently which you might find helpful right here: blackrain79 2019 06 pokerstars-bots.html Online poker has consistently had the problem with shooting itself in the foot regarding its activities. “God Mode,” bots, collusion and many other questionable activities have tainted the online game, almost to the point that a sizeable portion of the poker community won’t even play poker online. But when a noted poker forum stands up against an online operation and questions its activities, it is notable.
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Способы бурения в регионе предполагает использование инновационных машин и технологий, которые могут работать с трудными породами и помогать избежать возможные обрушения грунта скважины. Следует отметить, что необходимо учитывать природоохранные требования и правила, так как вблизи отдельных населённых пунктов расположены охраняемые природные ресурсы и природные комплексы, что диктует особый внимательный подход к буровым работам.
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