The Adrenaline Traveler

Experiencias y viajes con un toque de adrenalina


For the Love ️ of Tacos

For the Love ️ of Tacos 🌮 and Margaritas️ Super Fun Night with @lamariss en su Cooking Show “Healthy Tacos and Skinny Margaritas” —> #aboutlastnight #cookingshow #mariswithatwist #donjulio #tequila #healthytacosandskinnymargaritas #aydonjulio #tacos #margaritas #mexican #mexicanfood #donjuliosantodomingo @lamariss @mariswithatwist #keilaeats

For the Love ️ of Tacos 🌮 and Margaritas️ Super Fun Night with @lamariss en su Cooking Show “Healthy Tacos and Skinny Margaritas” —> @lamariss @mariswithatwist

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